Urban Oasis
2 250 ft²
Gently sloping down toward the house, the rear yard presented the opportunity for terracing and tucking in a new access down to the basement. Sitting above is a terrasse which bridges between the ground floor and the garden beyond.
The small space expands with the generous and actively programmed areas it accommodates. The pool with its clip system allows this athletic family to swim laps, with a backdrop of Serbian spruce trees. An intimate lounge area, sheltered among a bosque of 4 redbud trees is centered around a fire table and can expand beyond the perimeter and into the adjacent lawn. Aerial hedges of hornbeam trees provide privacy, movement, bird habitat and seasonal color.
Along the side of the house, a linear garden lined with an allée of serviceberry trees creates a welcoming path to the back yard.
Sophie Robitaille Partner, CSLA, ASLA, AAPQ
Teressa Peill Landscape Architect, AAPQ
Kim Chayer Architect, OAQ
Photography © Raphael Thibodeau